jawaban foresec COMPUTER HACKING level 2

Jawaban soal foresec level 2

1. A.connect to the active services and review the banner information
2. C.kerberos is preventing it
3. C.a hacker prevent a legilimate user(or group users) from accesing a computer or event another     person
4. A.a buffer overflow
5. BdanC. ir is susceptible to sniffing, C.it uses a community string sent as clear text
6. A.hardware keylogger
7. D.file integrity verification tools
8. B.389
9. A.DOS attack which involves crashing a network or system
10. B. hping2 uses TCP instead of ICMP by default
11. B.it is a messenger spam
12. B.2
13. C.time exceeded
14. BdanE train users in the new policity, E.continously survey the area for wireless devices
15. C.a grey box test
16. A. someone who is hacking for a cause
17. A. used to close a tcp connection
18. C. using unpredictable sequence numbers secures session against hijacking
19. A. 512
20. D. passive information gathering
21. B. enforce the corporate security policy
22. C.someone spoofed clive’s ip address when doing a smurf attack
23. D. an SNMP walk
24. B. this command will detach ettercap…
25. B. the attacker is trying to determine..
26. C. sniff traffic off the WLAN
27. A.somebody is using SOCKS on the network
28. E.social engineering
29. D.direct in person
30. B. the attacker is attempting an exploit
31. C.SMAC fueling
32. B.a pseudo account that has no username and password
33. D. disable LM authentication in the registry
34. C.guess the sequence numbers
35. B.change the files modification acces creation times
36. D. alert tcp any any
37. B. 160bits
38. A . a large number of SYM packets.. without
39. B. parameter manipulation
40. D.nmap –sO -T
41. C. visit archive.org web site to retrieve the internet …
42. D. ping of death
43. C.snow
44. A. Bastion host
45. C.hybrid
46. B. the monitor will know if counterfeit messages are being generated….
47. A.someone who using their skills for devensive purposes
48. C.connect scan
49. A. the attacker use the sid2user program
50. C.88


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